ONLINE RETREATS | 29.10- 31.10.2021| 10.12- 12.12.2021| 07.01- 09.01.2022
Yoga & Meditation Weekend Immersions ONLINE
SUMMER DELIGHT RETREAT | 25. - 28. Juli 2022
Yoga & Meditation in Hotel Balance, Les Granges, Wallis / CH
AWESOME AUTUMN RETREAT | 29.October - 01. November 2022
Yoga & Meditation in Bio-Aktivhotel, Grafenast, Tirol
During her career as a professional dancer as well as through her Continued Education in Body Work, Anina von Molnar came to appreciate the invaluable benefits of Massage. She was thus moved to enrole herself in studies with an extraordinary teacher of the Esalyn Institute, was trained in Gestalt Therapy , Body Awareness & Consciousness Trainings by Dr. Phil. Leland Johnson / 5 Fundamental Core Teachings, and took courses in Thai Massage, traditional Shiatsu, Acupressure, deep tissue massage and joint mobilization. ​
What a nice treat for you and your loved ones ...