29.10- 31.10.2021| 10.12- 12.12.2021| 07.01- 09.01.2022
Relax in the serenity and ease of your own personal safe Haven of choice. No matter whether at your own home, in a holiday apartment or in a hut in the mountains, just for yourself or together with friends and family. Let yourself be supported by this exceptional retreat structure.
In these weekend Immersions, we gently seek contact with our inherent sources that relieve, renew, and liberate.
Creating Space to delve deeply into healing bodywork and calmness of mind, we explore our yoga and meditation practice in a new way.
We will meet for 6 Sessions ranging from 1.5 - 2.5 hours per Session
Friday: evening
Saturday: morning, afternoon, evening
Sunday: morning, afternoon
Our practices during the Retreat Weekends will include
OM Hatha Vinyasa Yoga - Precisely executed classical yoga postures (Asanas) synchronized with Ujjayi breathing. Variations of more vigorous, physically flowing sequences of momentum, that awaken the system (awakening the system), interchanged with more quieting, restorative, yin quality poses that we can relax into.
Pranayama ( breath exercises)
Qigong Pressure Point and Meridian Self-Massage
Vipassana (Insight) Meditation in sitting, standing and/or walking. In our Meditation practice, we touch on the four Brahmaviharas, known as the Four Immeasurables: Upekka (Equanimity), Metta (Benevolence), Karuna (Compassion), und Mudita (Appreciative Joy)
In each session you will receive my full attention for your specific personalised feedback, instructions, prompts, recommendations, alternative poses, and verbal adjustments. Interaction is welcomed as we open the room each day to include exchange , feedback and questions.
29.10- 31.10.2021| 10.12- 12.12.2021| 07.01- 09.01.2022
With every additional registration to your first booking of this Retreat series, you will receive a voucher to give away to friends and loved ones: One Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Class from the weekly schedule. Appointments by prior arrangement.

Monday, 25. July through Thursday, 28. July, 2022
Enjoy the exquisitely beautiful and impressive alpine Landscape of the French part of Switzerland while exploring one´s own vast inner terrain through invigorating, energetic, mindful Vinyasa Yoga combined with Loving Kindness Meditation (Maitri/Metta)......
Anina ́s Yoga immersions are especially suited for those who are seeking a week of rest and rejuvenation. Daily practice totalling 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 hours, separated into morning and afternoon/evening sessions, invites the practitioner to delve into his or her yogic experience with a sense of joy, ease, and celebration, with plenty of free time for relaxing, hiking, swimming...
Through classic Hatha Yoga postures (Asanas), breath exercises (pranayama) and Meditation (mindfulnness/ loving kindness), Anina encourages her students to connect their physical potential with their inner source of well-being, thereby embracing the interplay and harmony of Body-Mind-Spirit. As we train our body/mind awareness through yoga & meditation, we pave a path to make room for the discovery of a deep inner contact and relaxation, and our longing for wholeness is stilled.
In her Hatha Vinyasa Yoga classes, Anina focuses on precise alignment of the yogic posture combined with a deep, flowing breath. This creates the base as she moves the class towards specific Asana sequencing synchronized with this rhythmic breath. The classes, building on the physical, emotional and mental momentum, make greater strength, flexibility, balance and energy available. The body and mind, with newly discovered vitality, have the opportunity to detox, heal, and make space for new creativity as the mind's awareness is also guided via Meditation sessions into openness of a present moment: in our bodies, in our breath, in the Now of our inner wisdom.
The workshops are suited for all levels. Some practitioners may have been involved with yoga for years while others may be starting out completely new. Anina is very attentive to each individual ́s needs and works very personally with corrections, both verbally and through example as well as with hands-on adjustments.

Monday, 25. July - Thursday, 28. July 2022
320€ for the Yoga course
To reserve your place for the Summer Delight Retreat 2022
1. please fill out the Registration form and return per email
2. please transfer the course fee to the account
HOTEL BOOKING Please contact the hotel directly.
Special room price when you book your Yoga Retreat with Anina at Hotel Balance from 25.07.2022- 28.07.2022
*per Person including half Pension( Breakfast Buffet/Evening meal with 4-5 courses)
Please Contact:
Fam. Schatzmann-Eberle
1922 Les Granges, s/Salvan, Wallis/CH
T: +41 2776115 22
Saturday, 29. October through Tuesday, 01. November 2022
Enjoy the awe inspiring Karwendel Alpine Landscape of Tirol, Austria while discovering one´s own vast inner terrain through intensive, energetic, Vinyasa Yoga combined with Loving Kindness and Mindfulness Meditation (Maitri/Metta). Time and Space for true Regeneration and an invitation to dive deeply into Nature and this exceptional Yoga Experience....
Anina ́s Yoga immersions are especially suited for those who are seeking a week of rest and rejuvenation. Daily practice totalling 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 hours, separated into morning and afternoon/evening sessions, invites the practitioner to delve into his or her yogic practice with a sense of joy, ease, and celebration, with plenty of free time to hike, relax in the spa, or simply rest.
Through classic Hatha Yoga postures (Asanas), breath exercises (pranayama) and Meditation (mindfulnness/ loving kindness), Anina encourages her students to connect their physical potential with their inner source of well-being, thereby embracing the interplay and harmony of Body-Mind-Spirit. As we train our body/mind awareness through yoga & meditation, we pave a path to make room for the discovery of a deep inner contact and relaxation, and our longing for wholeness is stilled.
In her Hatha Vinyasa Yoga classes, Anina focuses on precise alignment of the yogic posture combined with a deep, flowing breath. This creates the base as she moves the class towards specific Asana sequencing synchronized with this rhythmic breath. The classes, building on the physical, emotional and mental momentum, make greater strength, flexibility, balance and energy available. The body and mind, with newly discovered vitality, have the opportunity to detox, heal, and make space for new creativity as the mind's awareness is also guided via Meditation sessions into openness of a present moment: in our bodies, in our breath, in the Now of our inner wisdom.
The workshops are suited for all levels. Some practitioners may have been involved with yoga for years while others may be starting out completely new. Anina is very attentive to each individual ́s needs and works very personally with corrections, both verbally and through example as well as with hands-on adjustments.

Saturday, 29 October through Tuesday, 01 November 2022
320€ for the Yoga course
To reserve your place for the Awsome Autumn Retreat 2022
1. please fill out the Registration form and return per email
2. please transfer the course fee to the account
Please contact the hotel directly.
Special room price when you book your Yoga Retreat with Anina at Bio- Hotel Grafenast
363,- Euro Single Room Garden and Field View
429,- Euro Single Room Panoramic Mountain View
363,- Euro Double Room Garden and Field View
393,- Euro Double Room Panoramic Mountain View
*per Person including full Pension (Breakfast Buffet/ Lunch Buffet/ Evening meal with 3 courses; All Day Tea and Special Waters Free of Charge)
plus local tax (1 € per Person per Day)
Pillbergstr. 205
A-613ß Grafenast/Tirol
+43 5242 63209